The best way to learn about Redeemer is to visit.
And to be honest, you really won't be able to get to know the church in just one visit. We think you should plan to visit at least 3-4 times. Depending on your background, there may be different things that are unfamiliar to you. The first time you visit, these will be the only things you notice or focus on. We'd love for you to take the time to get to know some of us personally and learn about how we worship. We welcome your questions about why we do what we do and try to make a point of explaining different parts of our worship each week.
Let us know by texting RPCinfo to 55498 or by filling out the visitor card linked here.

What to Expect
Q. How do people dress?
A. You will probably see a range of dress. There is no uniform. There is no dress code. We don't believe we make ourselves acceptable to God by what we wear. We can only be accepted because Jesus clothes us in his righteousness. Worship is a special time when God meets with his people. People dress differently for special celebrations and events. Expect to see a range from more casual to more formal and everything in between. We hope you'll see that we spend a lot more time focusing on what Jesus provides for us to wear than on whatever clothes we happen to have on.
Q. What should I do when I get there?
A. Parking is available on the north side of the building and in a parking lot across French Ave. On Sunday mornings, the north (wheelchair accessible ramp, and closest to our nursery) and south entrances are available for you to enter the building. Our welcome team will be available to help you find your way around the building and hand you a bulletin that you may use to learn more about and participate in the worship service. Bibles are also available for your use.
Q. What about my children?
A. We believe, because of the promises of God, that our children are as much a part of the church as everyone else, and we desire that they would participate in worship along with their families as much as they are able. We completely understand that kids can get noisy and squirmy during corporate worship, and want to assist you in helping your children learn to participate in a meaningful way. Children of all ages are always welcome in the worship service. We also provide childcare during the service in a well-staffed nursery for children ages 3 months through 3 years old. During the sermon, children age 4 through the end of kindergarten may attend Training in the Pews.

Redeemer is located in historic downtown Temple.
12 W French Ave
Temple, TX 76501