Children’s Ministry
Children have always been a part of the community of God’s people.
After Jesus ascended into heaven, when God poured out his Holy Spirit on his Church at Pentecost, the Apostle Peter delivered a powerful sermon in which he declared that God's covenant promise "is for you and for your children." (Acts 2:39)
Redeemer values all of the infants and children in our midst and views them as important members of our community. We will make every effort to shepherd our children's hearts to rely heavily on the grace of Jesus revealed in the gospel. We want the church to be a place where our children feel at home and a community where they feel loved and secure. Children of all ages are always welcome in the worship service!
At their parents’ discretion, children age 4 through the end of kindergarten may attend Training in the Pews (TiP) during the sermon. Our TiP kids can sit with their parents for the beginning of the service and worship together. At the time of the sermon, the TiP children are dismissed to go to their class, where they have a Bible lesson and continue their worship training as they sing songs from 'big church' and discuss what they learned. The children then return for the remainder of the service.
In all cases, our goal is to assist you in helping your children learn to participate in worship in a meaningful way!
Sunday School classes for all ages meet Sundays at 9am during the school year. Sunday School classes are currently on a break for the summer. We look forward to welcoming your children back to their classes in the fall!