Everyone has a creed.
A “creed” is simply a statement of belief. Sometimes Christians are inclined to say we have no creed but the Bible, or no creed but Christ. That sounds good. But what do you believe about the Bible and Christ? A confession of faith helps give a detailed summary of what the Bible teaches and relies not only on our own understanding of the Bible, but draws on the wisdom and insight God has given his Church through the ages.
In the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) we hold to the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Larger and Shorter Catechisms. These documents are subordinate to Scripture, not equal in authority (they say that clearly themselves), and though they are not without error, we believe they are an accurate statement of what the Bible teaches. We also stand united with Christians throughout the world and throughout the ages in affirming historic creeds of the Church like the Apostles’ Creed and the Nicene Creed.
Summary of Our Beliefs